Peace Is Sexy


Peace Is Sexy

And sex sells, right?  It has been selling since 1871 when Pearl Tobacco first placed an image of a naked woman’s torso on its packaging.  It certainly created a buzz, resulting in increased sales and other companies have been utilizing the tactic in advertising to this day.  So, if peace sells, why is nobody buying it?  Are the peace mongers appealing to the wrong crowd?  Is peace in terms of sex appeal a hopeless attempt to grab the attention of 80+ year old men who only think about ice cream during tragic events, and whom Pfizer has taken off their Sildenafil distribution list as the scientists figured out it would not treat the health issues it was initially intended for – hypertension and angina pectoris?

The only thing that seems to cause a spark in the eye of those sitting in Washington somewhere, in a warm and comfortable home/office, are the sums of money reaching their offshore bank accounts, despite the death and destruction caused in the name of holy dollar.  The Biden family knows too well that Ukraine is a hand that just keeps giving, which positions the current administration of the United States as the main voice against peace.  Burisma, one of the largest private gas companies in Ukraine, did not pay former Polish President Kwasniewski, or Hunter Biden, President Biden’s son, who was paid $50,000 per month, earning a total of $3 million for a few years of sitting on the Board of Directors, to have it all simply go down the drain. 

The loud calls for continued war, harshly speaking against peace, have become a norm despite horrific images of fallen soldiers making their way into various communication networks.  Watching videos of grown men simply breaking down cannot leave one untouched:  wailing and swearing at the current Kiev regime, threatening to seek those in leadership positions when it is all over, it is a heartbreaking sight.  It does not reach those who worry about cancelling culture, banning Russian trees and Russian cats.  It never affected them.  They were the first to flee, likely without witnessing a bullet being shot.  It is those that remain, that have given fathers, brothers, and sons.  And for what?  For territory that they have abandoned and forgotten long ago?  Or for Ms. Elena Zelenska’s shopping sprees and President Zelensky’s vast real estate portfolio

Western mainstream media has been increasingly admitting lately that the Ukrainian forces are suffering enormous losses, that there is lack of weapons needed and that the spring offensive being planned currently will unlikely yield a positive outcome for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.  Even if partially true, these reports should be a cause of concern among Ukrainian and western officials.  Being certain of a defeat, yet pushing forces toward carrying out an offensive, apart from being irresponsible, it is simply very foolish, with complete disregard for human life.  This is where a ceasefire should be established as soon as possible to avoid greater casualties. 

Borders change.  They have changed throughout history.  But human life is the most valuable.  Conquered territory means nothing if there are no people to inhabit it, to work the land, or build on the land.  That is the path where Ukraine is headed.  As per repeated statements by an American Colonel, Douglas MacGregor, half of Ukraine’s population is already gone: 2 million have already worked outside of Ukraine prior to the conflict, some 10 million have fled Ukraine toward the West following the start of the special military operation, and another 5-6 million have been incorporated into Russia.  This represents a demographic catastrophe for Ukraine.  In addition to this, Colonel MacGregor, citing his internal sources, has recently stated that close to 250,000 Ukrainian soldiers have died and between 300k-400,000 have been wounded, or in other words permanently disabled. 

Crippled economy, crippled infrastructure, crippled demography – yet Ukraine’s potential was so great that it could have been one of the largest economies in Europe, rivaling Germany, if it only chose the path to peace and did not allow the extreme nationalists to have such power in governing structures or to be used as lab rats for Washington’s adventures.  The conflict could have been avoided had Washington’s policymakers relied on advice of officials with expertise, such as George Kennan, who in the mid-1990s stated that “expanding NATO would be the most fateful error of American policy in the entire post-cold-war era.”  The most fateful error has now led to a very strong China-Russia alliance, which is a very undesirable outcome for the West.  From intensified economic cooperation to establishment of a financial system enabling trade in national currencies and bypassing the US dollar, all of these pose a significant threat to Washington’s global dominance.  It remains to be seen what kind of resistance the United States will put forth, however one can only hope it is not at the expense of people’s lives thousands of miles away, as they have done over the past three decades.

“Peace Sells” – Megadeth

What do you mean I don’t believe in God?

I talk to him everyday.

What do you mean I don’t support your system?

I go to court when I have to.

What do you mean I can’t get to work on time?

I got nothing better to do.

And what do you mean I don’t pay my bills?

Why do you think I’m broke?  Huh?

If there’s a new way

I’ll be the first in line

But it better work this time.

What do you mean I hurt your feelings?

I didn’t know you had any feelings.

What do you mean I ain’t kind?

Just not your kind.

What do you mean I couldn’t be the President

Of the United States of America?

Tell me something, it’s still “We the people,” right?

If there’s a new way

I’ll be the first in line

But it better work this time.

Can you put a price on peace?


Peace sells…


Peace sells…

Peace sells, but who’s buying?