Whose Justice?


Whose Justice?

Ukraine, along with its western so-called allies, cheered the International Criminal Court’s decision on March 17th, 2023 to issue an arrest warrant for Russia’s President Putin. “The International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin. This is a historic decision, from which historical responsibility will begin,” Ukraine’s President Zelensky stated. Dreams of a world without Putin continue to dominate among western ruling elites and their vassals continue to echo the idea.

It is not a secret that these elites initially hoped for destruction of Russia from within, continuously repeating the idea of a coup through statements that Vladimir Putin cannot remain in power. Recall that these words were initially uttered by US President Biden at the beginning of the special military operation last year, followed by Germany’s Foreign Minister Baerbock, and most recently Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Joly, who openly called for regime change in Russia. Who are these individuals supposed to be serving? Why exactly are they calling for regime change in Russia when President Putin is overwhelmingly supported at home? It has nothing to do with their sudden concern over wellbeing of Russia’s citizens, nor Ukraine’s for that matter, but rather it is he who is a thorn in their side because he refuses to allow Russia to kneel before the almighty Washington, as is the case with Germany for example, or to allow the western ruling elites to plunder Russia’s vast resources.

The idea that President Putin will simply be handed over to the International Criminal Court by his own people, at the request of 30 countries which came together over this idea as per Ukraine’s Foreign Affairs Minister Kuleba, is simply nonsense and is just a fraction of the informational and psychological warfare used by the West to deceive its own citizens so it can justify further multi-billion dollar aid while their own economies rot. The western ruling elites, inspired by Serbia’s example from years ago, are also convinced that if there is increased pressure on Russia’s ruling class through blackmail and threats by an ICC decision, it will eventually lead to leadership change.

What is even more striking in this narrative of pursuing the so-called justice by Washington’s weaponization of many international institutions, including the International Criminal Court, is that these ruling elites perceive as just only those matters that aid their efforts of global dominance. Would you call millions of people killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Libya justice while perpetrators walk free? Was justice served to former Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, a mother of the International Criminal Court, following her warmongering efforts during her years in the office and statements that killing 500,000 Iraqi children was well worth it? Would you refer to a shortened sentence of a convicted pedophile, whose brother is the head ICC prosecutor that has charged President Putin with war crimes for evacuating children from a war zone, as justice?

Remember CNN’s report of 1,450 Afghan children being evacuated to the United States without parents and being placed to live with sponsors-whatever happened to the leader who ordered such a thing? There was no arrest warrant for the act, as we are well aware, but rather it was seen as a very humane act. Children who were taken to Russia, out of the conflict zone close to the front lines and under continuous shelling by Ukrainian forces, were not placed into filtration camps, as western media likes to claim. These children were taken to summer camps, removed from the threats of weapons, to interact with their peers, away from the sound of bombs. Simply look up Dmitriadovsky summer camp and you will see that it is no different than children’s camps across the civilized, western world.

Alley of Angels – names of Donbass children killed by Ukrainian forces

Will the International Criminal Court’s prosecutor, Mr. Khan, issue an arrest warrant to any of Ukrainian officials for the names listed in Alley of Angels? Maybe for persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church? Media ban? Minority rights ban, and not only for ethnic Russians, but ethnic Hungarians who have been deprived of their rights and reportedly forced to the front, or ethnic Romanians? Possibly for biolabs discovered across Ukraine with 20,000 documents available and presented to the UN only to be dismissed without any further inquiry? Political party ban? Brutal murder of prisoners of war (PoWs), Daria Dugina, Andrea Roccheli and anyone who dares to say or show the truth? For carrying out terrorist attacks against key infrastructure of foreign states? For firing missiles into neighbouring countries, such as Poland, in hope of starting a full scale World War III, with NATO’s direct involvement? Nope. None.

Will justice ever be served to people who suffered directly as a result of the United States waging constant wars over its 240 year history, of which it has not fought a war for just 16 out of those 240 years? Were there arrest warrants for any of those who directly ordered overthrow of more than 50 foreign governments, violently interfered in elections in at least 30 countries and tried to kill more than 50 foreign leaders? You likely know the answer to that-no. On the contrary, some were awarded for their work, such as former US President Obama, who received a Nobel Peace Prize for his share of wars.

No arrest warrants were issued in the past, nor will any be issued for present day criminal activities of those who admitted western direct involvement in many of the crimes previously listed. The West also knows all too well that an arrest warrant for Russia’s leadership is just as humorous as their recent story of Ukrainians destroying the Nord Stream pipelines by using a small yacht to carry huge amount of explosives and carry out sabotage of Nord Stream. The International Criminal Court does not have jurisdiction over Russia, just like it does not have jurisdiction over the United States. The US has threatened the court many times in the past with financial sanctions and arrest of its judges if they try and prosecute American leadership and its military personnel for crimes related to Afghanistan (France24, Sept. 10, 2018).

So, whose purpose does the ICC serve? Whose justice is it supposed to promote? You guessed it well: Washington’s, or rather Washington’s ruling elites, such as some of its main financiers, the Rockefellers, or those who influence and nominate prosecutors, such as George Soros. It is an institution highly weaponized, serving the purpose of simply threatening those who refuse to obey the rules based international order created by the West, rather than pursuing the path of justice based on international laws. “Endangering human life for profit should be a universal crime,” Suzy Kassem stated in her Rise Up and Salute the Sun piece. Indeed it should, however prisons would lack space for all those western individuals who waged wars and (in)directly participated in them, committing some of the most horrific atrocities around the globe over the past few decades, solely for profit.