Nukes or Starvation?


Nukes or Starvation?

Should we be excited that we are presented with a choice?! Neither! I choose neither of the two elites’ proposals! I choose to live and I certainly hope that majority of the world population agrees, especially during these unprecedent times when we have come so close to a risk of a nuclear war. The last time stakes were so high was in 1962, or as President Biden put it “the risk of nuclear Armageddon is at the highest level since the Cuban Missile Crisis.”

Moreover, what is very concerning today regarding the utilization of nuclear weapons is that the world has very few rational leaders, as opposed to 1962. Even with all the fear instilled into people during the 1962 crisis, and numerous ads appearing across the United States on how to protect yourself from a nuclear disaster, many still trusted the US President J.F. Kennedy at the time to undertake an approach which would subside the tensions. “My fellow Americans, let us take that first step. Let us..step back from the shadow of war and seek out the way of peace. And if that journey is a thousand miles, or even more, let history record that we, in this land, at this time, took the first step.” Examining his approach to many matters, I believe I would have trusted him also. Would I trust the current US President to do the same?

“Putin cannot remain in power…” (Speech, 2022) “Bosnia needs to change or face a war threat.” (Balkan 3 day tour, 2009) He championed the war in Iraq which led to thousands of deaths due to false accusations that Iraq was hiding weapons of mass destruction (WMD), supported wars in Libya, Syria, Afghanistan and has been supporting meddling of the United States into affairs of a number of other sovereign nations over the years during which he has served in the US government in various roles. So, would I trust him? No, I would not. He has been acting as a warmonger for decades. In his present state, he has become a very useful marionette to the real decision-makers behind the scenes-execute orders and not raise questions. They are likely the same ones who have orchestrated the entire show in Ukraine, which continues to escalate.

Speaking virtually in front of an audience two days ago for the Lowy Institute, an international think tank in Australia, President of Ukraine, Zelensky, called for an international community to take “preventive action” to deter the potential use of nuclear weapons by Russia in the ongoing conflict. “Preemptive steps are crucial to deterrence,” he said, cautioning against “waiting for the nuclear strikes first.” It is interesting that the Russian side has not changed their stance on usage of nuclear weapons at all. Kremlin has stated on a number of occasions that nuclear weapons should never be used, even though Western mainstream media’s interpretation of President Putin’s statement that “Russia will use anything at its disposal to defend itself” was immediately wrongfully interpreted that Moscow is threatening the world with nuclear weapons.

“Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets,” Napoleon once famously stated, confirming even today that freedom of the press is only a creation of a handful of those who control the main media outlets. Intentionally promoting the nuclear war rhetoric from their New York and Washington offices by absurd headlines only confirms the lack of capability of many to understand the horrific consequences a nuclear war would have. Some are sure that the conflict itself, along with nuclear threat, can be contained within the borders of Ukraine. Gen. Jack Keane, for example, believes that this is so and that $66 billion investment, as he called it, in Ukraine, is keeping America secure, adding in his interview for Fox News that “for $66 billion what we’re getting is Ukraine doing the fighting.”

Yet, Ukrainians still do not believe that they are being used, despite the absurd statements such as the one by Gen Keane. Any prospect of peace negotiations has been disregarded and recently proposed peace plan by Elon Musk on social networks resulted in extreme backlash, especially from the Ukrainian side and supporters of Ukraine. It has become obvious that whoever is behind this conflict is making enormous amounts of profit, while the ordinary people suffer, and not only in Ukraine, but across the globe. Many countries are facing extreme poverty and starvation due to disrupted food supply chains. Food producing industries are reducing their production or closing completely throughout the West. The number of farms in Western Europe, Canada and the United States has been steadily declining, unable to bear the burden of rising operational costs, especially the cost of fertilizer which, according to the American Farm Bureau, has increased by 300 percent and the cost of seeds has also increased over 300 percent. Food shortages and blackouts seem to be the hot topics which will mark the upcoming period.

In the midst of such turbulent times to call for preemptive use of nuclear weapons is simply insane. A Ukrainian source in the Office of the President stated earlier today that “the Office of the President continues to negotiate with the United Kingdom the transfer of nuclear weapons to Ukraine. During the Boris Johnson premiership, agreements were reached that Ukraine would receive several charges to deter Russia if the Kremlin threatened to use nuclear weapons.” Recall that early in the conflict, Kiev and Moscow had almost reached a peace agreement during their negotiations held in Istanbul, Turkey. However, the peace process was stalled following Boris Johnson’s visit to Kiev and his unequivocal support to Ukraine to continue fighting and thus not to agree to peace. I wonder if Boris Johnson has already secured an underground Survival Condo for himself, along with all the other billionaires who have been promoting the continuation of the conflict.

While a couple of days ago, during a meeting of the European states in Prague, 27 countries expressed their continued support to Ukraine, President of Turkey, Erdogan, stated that he will do anything to support peace, because “the worst peace is better than continuing the war,” he added. I would have to agree with President Erdogan. Every conflict ends at the negotiating table and so will this one. The longer it goes on, the more suffering is inflicted on ordinary people. Drafting starting points for peace negotiations would bring forth a ceasefire at least and reduce the loss of life. Negotiations would further build upon the agreement and security guarantees by trusted outsiders would be provided. Yet, this does not seem to be a shared interest by the Kiev regime and their neighbours, particularly Poland and the Baltic states, which have been very vocal in promoting their high level of Russophobia.

However, closely watching international relations arena over the years, I can almost with certainty conclude that President Putin is one of those few rational leaders whom I trust to undertake appropriate decisions and refrain from going near the famous “red button”. On the other hand, what I do not trust is the blame shift unfolding in the West in recent days. So far NATO member states have not agreed to grant Ukraine an expedited entry into the alliance. This was followed by the New York Post’s recent article which stated that Ukraine conducted a terrorist attack in Moscow’s centre, killing the daughter of Russian Philosopher Dugin. In addition to this, the White House has responded harshly to President Zelensky’s pre-emptive nuclear strike and yesterday Washington Post, citing insider sources, blamed the Ukrainian Secret Services for conducting a terrorist act of destroying the Crimean bridge by using a suicide bomber. This shift in blame indicates that Ukraine is becoming too expensive to finance and amid rising social unrest throughout Europe, the support will likely be reduced and West will try to rid itself of the monster it created. The problem lies in the fact that Ukrainians have been instilled with a sense of privilege and superiority, with a sense of entitlement. What happens when the sense of entitlement is removed? The same fate awaits the masters as that of a hunger-tortured hound’s owner.