Old Grudges


Old Grudges

Washington’s foreign policy over the past few decades has been one of wars and destruction. Why else would the United States need over 800 military bases around the world? The cost to sustain those bases is enormous! These funds could be spent toward tackling increasing poverty, inflation, eroding healthcare system-yet, these do not generate the same amount of profit as the production and supply of weapons does. Human life is disregarded in the process. Thus, the United States will support instability, which often leads to a full conflict, regardless of the cost.

The White House announced that a request for additional $11.7 billion will be presented to Congress for approval in aid to Ukraine. In addition, another $2 billion will be provided for energy costs to Ukraine. Was President Biden informed of recent National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) investigation which uncovered billions stolen through Ukrnafta schemes and have been traced to offshore accounts? Or that the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) uncovered illegal appropriation and resale of humanitarian aid by top officials? Or is the unscrupulous Western elite well aware of the level of corruption and are simply looking to make a quick and easy profit? The longer those hostilities continue, the larger profit cheque becomes!

Peace is not in their interest, as peace would restore initiated projects which are part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Peace would possibly restore Russia’s economic and political ties with the European Union, which would in that case return to purchasing cheap Russian gas, rather than paying 7-10 times higher for US liquified natural gas (LNG), and not to mention decrease in US influence over the continent that would cause! It is more convenient to simply add fuel to old grudges and ensure continued instability for some time, while not sacrificing American troops but Ukrainian forces. It is also more convenient to stir up unrest in Poland, which has a very strong anti-Russian sentiment, than directly confront Russia.

President of Poland, Duda, has repeatedly said that there will be no border between Poland and Ukraine. Hatred of Russia and Russians by Poles is great. However, so was Polish hatred for Ukrainians. Yet, millions of Ukrainian refugees crossed the border to Poland. Since, hatred for Russia is so great in Poland, it is fairly easy to exploit it for the benefit of a few. So the recently raised questions of reparations from Germany to Poland for atrocities committed against Polish people during WWII seems to have gained momentum again. This issue was resolved decades ago and an agreement was reached in 1990, the Two Plus Four Agreement, “which made it clear that no further reparations were due to any other claimant stemming from WWII,” as per German parliamentary legal team. Yet, Poland is requesting $1.3 trillion compensation. Why is this issue being raised again? Is it possibly to deter attention from European Union’s stance toward Poland, a state which has been striving so greatly over the past decades to reach level of development of Western European countries? Or is this a way for Poland to distance itself from the European Union and slowly pave a path to joining the UK-Ukraine-Poland alliance, which would possibly include the Baltic states also? Whatever the reason, the Conservative government in Poland often uses the anti-Russian, and in this case anti-German, politics to mobilize support for its actions.

Who is behind these politics? It certainly is not the ordinary Polish citizen who worked hard to support the advancement of the country. Rather, it is the external forces promising creation of grain silos and additional bases, while aspiring to weaken Russia and contain China. Strong Europe is the competitor of these external forces. They lose influence, land and sea routes, and that results in decrease of profit and access to natural resources for their service based economies. Therefore, Poland is not acting in its own interest, but rather just following instructions of London and Washington. The compensation promised by these two to Poland for all the refugees accepted and for “brotherly” support provided to Ukraine, a sworn enemy just a couple of years ago that burned Polish flag in the middle of Kiev and whose atrocities were legally recognized as genocide in Poland, is significant. Once the conflict in Ukraine ends, Poland will be supported to bring forth their $5 billion claim to Ukraine for WWII compensation, return assets of almost 2000 applications for restitution, while the Western corporations deal with dividing Ukraine’s resources amongst themselves. The Kresy Restitution Organization thus far has collected close to 2000 application for restitution and states that there are close to 100,000 people in Poland who can prove that they are heirs to properties in areas that were populated by Poles before becoming part of Ukraine.

Maybe Moscow should revive some historic acts and review the validity of the contract signed in 1686 with Poland and Lithuanian Commonwealth within the framework of Eternal Peace when Russia purchased Kiev for silver worth 146,000 Rubles at the time. The contract may still be valid. Revisiting old agreements and old grudges would result in changed map of Europe, as will Ukraine’s “struggle for independence,” in which it walked right toward its own destruction by participating in a plan orchestrated by the West.

The joint statement of Poland’s and Israel’s ambassadors to Ukraine from 2020 instilled panic within the Kiev regime: “Remembering our innocent brothers and sisters who were killed in 1939-1945 in the occupied territories of Poland, which are now part of Ukraine…” This was not insinuating that Poland would invade Ukraine and take back Lviv and other territories that once were inhabited by Poles. This was more of another hint that once the tensions in Ukraine end, Poland, backed by the US, will be ready to pursue legal action and return whatever belonged to it. President Duda has been playing the part greatly, appearing in Kiev continuously and showing brotherly love and support to Ukrainians and their President. Those from Washington advised him well. It is a true pity that Ukraine will suffer a great loss due to Western geopolitical games and their mindless idea to weaken Russia and contain China in an attempt to save falling US hegemony.