Worm Burgers


Worm Burgers

Just recently an article appeared in the New York Post titled “Worm burgers could solve world hunger, scientists claim.” It is one of many articles which have been appearing in the most popular daily newspapers over the past couple of years. Between news on climate change and how to tackle it, and Ukraine, many have missed the news on shootings and fires in Tripoli, capital of Libya, today – 11 years after the United States greeted them with a call to drag their leader, Gaddafi, down the Libyan streets in the name of freedom and democracy. In reality, 2011 to 2022 – nothing has changed. Citizens of the West, however, are not aware of this. Between worrying about frightening inflation, job loss, inability to pay the bills, wrapping everything they own in blue and yellow to show that they stand with Ukraine, many are too overwhelmed with information and worry to focus their attention to Tripoli, which has been long forgotten by those that caused its destruction.

The focus has shifted over the years, therefore Tripoli, Baghdad, Kabul are insignificant currently. Destruction of these cities has already taken place, so the elites moved on to their next prey, with their climate change farce and the Green Deal – eastward, all the way to Russia’s borders. Three years have passed since the European Commission launched the European Green Deal, aiming to make Europe the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050. The idea of going green has become embedded into politics of not only the European Union member states, but also those striving for EU membership, such as Ukraine. The Green Deal, among other things, targets agriculture, fertilizers and energy sector – all things required to produce food and ensure food security. The sanctions imposed against Russia on all the previously mentioned sectors have crippled European economies significantly. Energy prices are skyrocketing and their idea of turning off pipes through which Russian gas is supplied to Europe is becoming less appealing to many EU citizens. Winter is coming and it’s certainly going to be a cold one. No Green Deal will save millions who will be left to freeze. On the other hand, there’s the frenzy to indulge in a worm burger, which could potentially save the world from hunger, rather than simply allowing Russian products to reach markets.

The Greens have certainly gained momentum, especially in Germany, the largest economy in Europe, where the hardship of their mindless politics is most felt. Topics related to climate change and shifting toward green, sustainable economies have dominated the World Economic Forum in Davos this year, after a two year pause, along with the conflict in Ukraine. The agenda of the Ukraine Recovery Conference was also dominated by this particular topic and its key points have been embedded into the Lugano Declaration. They disregarded the fact that Ukrainian producers could annually lose 400 million Euros in the period of 2026-2030 due to the imposition of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), as forecast by the Kiev School of Economics in their study titled “Research of the impact on the economy of Ukraine from the introduction of CBAM by the European Union.” This study also indicates that with the introduction of CBAM, Ukraine’s GDP would contract by 0.08% annually. As approximately 40% of Ukraine’s exports go to the EU countries, CBAM would negatively impact Ukrainian economy due to its large dependence on the European Union. CBAM is a proposed tariff under the Green Deal on carbon intensive products, such as steel production, cement, electricity, etc. and it is “based on allowances and surrendering of certificates by importers, based on the embedded emission intensity of the products they import in the EU…” (EUETS – European Union Emissions Trading Scheme).

Apart from greatly affecting particular industries, this carbon frenzy is targeting individuals just as much. So far people across the Western hemisphere have been asked to give up showers and heat, among many other things, including acceptance of rising costs, in the name of Ukraine, or rather in the name of the Green Deal. Hence, in line with a lot of other nonsense coming out of Davos and the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) secretive meetings, take a look here and meet Barbara Baarsma, CEO of Rabo Carbon Bank, and a member of WEF. She presents an idea of a Personal Carbon Wallet in the interview, which would ensure that each citizen (she speaks of Netherlands in this case) would receive a certain amount of carbon that would be stored in their wallet. So, if one wanted to fly, they would purchase carbon emission rights from someone who is not able to do so, or someone living in a larger house could purchase emission rights from someone living in a smaller house. This indicates that not only will the governing structures of states, and their industries, be on a tight leash by those pushing the Green Deal, but individual actions will be controlled through these restrictions.

It has already started taking place in countries like Sweden, for example, where Doconomy introduced a new credit card that monitors the carbon footprint of its customers and cuts off their spending when they reach their carbon maximum. Other countries have restaurants which have introduced menus that contain carbon labelling next to each food item. The prices are often the same, however a part of the menu contains traditional chicken, beef burgers and similar meals, which indicate high carbon levels next to them, while the other part contains plant based and synthetic meat meals, that indicate significantly lower carbon levels next to them. When one’s purchases are based on the amount of carbon credits available in their carbon wallet, it is almost certain that the carbon indicators next to the meals will influence one’s choice. Who benefits from ideas like these? Take a wild guess. Bill Gates, among others, as he is an investor in Beyond Meat, a synthetic meat producer, who has publicly called on large economies to completely transition to synthetic meat.

This all leads to centralized control of every action an individual takes. Currently, across the EU, many states have agreed to set a limit on indoor temperature. France recently began issuing fines to businesses which keep their doors open while the air conditioning is turned on. This control will also be reflected on purchases people make by attaching carbon value to each item. Take a look at the 2030 Calculator here. If, for example, there are only 10 carbon points left in your wallet and jeans have a carbon tag indicated below attached to them but you need to buy them, what happens? Well, you can’t.

It all sounds very distant, almost futuristic, as if the world has become a stage for a wild Hollywood science fiction movie, however it is all very real and currently unfolding around the globe. The elites are instilling fear into people by climate change and how going green will reverse the process, but Earth goes through these changes every few hundred years. Just recently more than a 1000 scientists from all over the globe have signed the World Climate Declaration which states that in fact there is no catastrophic situation on earth due to climate change. Rather, it has all become an intertwined, well-orchestrated plan of a handful of ruling elites who are investing billions into these nonsense politics and looking to gain a massive return on their investment through restructuring economies to their liking by fueling conflicts, and by attempting to weaken those in the East that oppose them.