How Art Thou, Europe Dearest?


How Art Thou, Europe Dearest?

The world has not been so close to a nuclear war since the Cuban Missile Crisis in October, 1962. It lasted a short period of time, however the confrontation between the United States and Russia escalated into an international crisis and it was one of the defining moments in US national security. The confrontation which took place at the time has often been considered the closest Cold War came to escalating into a full scale nuclear war. Today, we are re-living those times. The only difference between 1962 and today is the number of countries possessing nuclear weapons has increased to nine and the development of nuclear weapons has advanced significantly alongside technological advances over the years.

When such a crisis could have been so easily diverted, why hasn’t it been? Who is interested in prolonging the conflict, sacrificing lives of many, and not just Ukrainians, but citizens of the West also? So far, just over $53 billion have been provided to Ukraine by the United States alone, yet their own citizens are mourning daily the lives lost due to mass shootings or are driving for hours between states struggling to find life-saving formula for their infants. Canada recently announced that it was sending its defence stockpiles to Ukraine, leaving the country unprotected. In addition, just a couple of days ago it was announced that the country has tapped into its own strategic stockpile of emergency medical supplies, stored for a national emergency, to help Ukraine. As a citizen, do you see anything wrong with this?

Are the Western governments working against their own citizens? Economies are crumbling. Germany’s dependence on Russian energy products and dependence on China’s imports/exports have crippled Germany’s economy significantly due to sanctions being imposed on Russia, without any available alternatives, and current meddling into China-Taiwan affairs by the United States. These issues combined with a large influx of Ukrainian refugees, which are costing the state some 3,000 Euros to host, could bring Germany from the largest European economy to “poor man of Europe” in a matter of months. Bulgaria has recently announced ending of state support for refugees who were accommodated in beachside resorts, encouraging them to seek employment, however thousands left when the announcement was made. It’s safe to assume they headed toward Germany which continues to pay support, provide accommodation, health and social benefits and is fairly easy to obtain an entry to compared to other states. Prague, Czech Republic has also announced cut to public funding for refugees as of June 15th and Poland just made a similar announcement also a couple of days ago. Hosts are exhausted, inflation is raging and our governments are not doing anything about it.

The propaganda they are selling to people is rather humiliating to the intelligence of many, by blaming Russia for skyrocketing oil prices–remember, when Iran and Iraq were at war in 1980s, barrel of oil cost some $18, yet Iran holds 10 percent of world’s oil reserves, while Iraq has fifth largest oil reserves. Manipulating data and images has become the main tool of wars today to the point that some stories even Germany’s chief propagandist for the Nazi party and Reich Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, would find appalling! According to Western media, especially Kyiv paper which is partially funded directly by George Soros Open Society Foundations, Russian forces are fighting children in Ukraine, while Ukrainian forces are fighting Russian Generals only. However, this is not surprising at all considering that one of the main components funded by the Open Society Foundations focuses on media! There are five offices of the foundation in Ukraine alone: Kyiv, Dnipro, Odesa, Kharkiv and Lviv. It’s very unusual that five locations in Ukraine receive millions of funding from Soros’ foundation to promote democracy and reforms by funding a so called independent newspaper that is anything but independent in its reports, or by creating a digital war museum of Russian crimes, and monitoring if Crimea sanctions are being respected by developing a public database on sanctions of an autonomous region.

Since a large component of the programme of this organization focuses on media and reporting, individuals have been well trained to adhere to Western standards and shape stories in their favour, therefore any other independent journalist presenting the other side of the narrative, as Canadian journalist Eva Bartlett has done in Syria or is currently doing in Ukraine, receives a special place in Special Forces of Ukraine (SBU) database Myrotvorets, in which many now remain names only as they have been eliminated by SBU. Henry Kissinger recently secured a spot as well after advising Ukraine to give up some of its eastern territories where majority of the population is made up of ethnic Russians. During the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland recently, George Soros in his speech declared China and Russia to be the biggest threats to the world and that civilization may not survive the Russia-Ukraine conflict. If this is so, if we are seconds away from a total destruction, why does the peace look so distant?! Why is Soros funding propaganda? Even Canada had a digital mapping report funded by the Open Society Foundation, along with three civil society organizations working in the domain of democracy, free press, human rights, all of which seem to be diminishing slowly. Since the report concluded that Canadians vastly utilize digital media as a source of information, the Canadian government thought bringing about control of information would be the next logical step to take. But doesn’t that undermine democracy and freedom? Nowhere has Soros’ foorprint become more evident than in Canada through the current Liberal government and their open society initiatives funded by Soros and implemented in coordination with the UN. Notice also that Russia has announced Open Society Foundation to be undesirable a few years ago and there is no office of the organization in the country.

Ukraine has become a breeding ground for easy money laundering, especially at this time when there is no regulatory framework operating and aid is pouring from all sides, yet Ukraine still reports a $5 billion deficit per month. In the wake of enormous financial support the country has received, but still continues to beg for help daily and report deficits, it is not a surprise that some members of the US Congress have requested of the US administration to provide a detailed report on where exactly this money is being channeled to. Ukraine, unfortunately, has been a deal in the works of the elite, the military industrial complex, the greens with Greta Thunberg’s face on their narrative, Bilderberg and the rest secret and not so secret factions, whose aim has been to weaken Russia and in turn contain China. The only issue is that European and other Western economies are suffering greatly along the way and Zelensky, “The Servant of the People” who won the election riding on the notion of serving all equally and stopping the war in Donbass against ethnic Russians, is facing a possible coup as the divide between Ukrainians has emerged once they have started to realize that they were given false promises of fast EU accession, NATO accession and defeat of the Russian forces.